pest resistant landscape

The Role of Landscaping in Pest Management for Homes

Keeping pests out of your house is just one of the many facets of home ownership, but it is an important one. Like many home improvement projects, prevention is often the best medicine and pest-resistant landscape design and sustainable landscaping for pest reduction can be a great approach to proactive best control. As the leading local provider in pest management, the experts at Seaside Pest Control are here to help you get started with low-maintenance landscaping to reduce pest habitat around your home.

Pest Resistant Landscape Design

Everyone wants a pleasant and aesthetic yard and, luckily, that often can go hand in hand with pest-resistant landscape design. For instance, when planting your garden, make sure to use a variety of different species in your landscaping. Yards made up of single species are more vulnerable to pest outbreaks, and a resilient garden starts and stops with diversity. Further, select plants for your garden that naturally repel pests. Aromatic plants – lavender, mint, marigolds, etc. – are good for keeping insects away from your garden and, in turn, your home.

Watering Practices and Pest Management

Watering practices and pest management go hand in hand. As you consider the type of landscaping you want around your home, be sure to also put a lot of thought into your watering technique. Many pests and insects thrive in wet or moist environments, some requiring standing water to survive. That being the case, consider sprinkler systems or drip irrigation to avoid unnecessary water buildup. Using perforated drainage lines will allow water to move into surrounding soil, and installing designated percolation areas will allow you to control where water flows and collects.

Sustainable Pest-resistant Landscaping

In addition to selecting a diverse array of plants and those that naturally deter some insects and pests, there are a few other things you can do to promote sustainable pest reduction. Intentionally introducing beneficial insects into your lawn and garden is a great way to keep less desirable pests at bay. When possible, avoid chemical pesticides – instead opt for naturally occurring alternatives like soaps, oils, and pepper. Lastly, identify areas in your yard with exposed soil and weed growth and either devote special attention there to re-garden or cover these areas in mulch.

Hardscaping to Deter Pests

Hardscaping can be a great alternative to landscaping when it comes to deterring pests. While lawns and gardens are great, they do provide a nice habitat for a variety of pests. You can eliminate or lessen this threat by installing patios, and walkways, and otherwise reducing the organic areas where pests can survive and thrive. While perhaps more expensive, the end product can both increase the value of your home and reduce the risk of unwanted visitors while creating an exterior barrier between your home and the wild backyard.

Low-Maintenance Landscaping to Reduce Pest Habitat

When it comes to landscaping, you don’t need to do anything fancy to reduce pest habitat. Low-maintenance landscaping to reduce pest habitat can be as simple as regularly mowing your lawn, eliminating brush piles, trimming trees and shrubs, and otherwise keeping your outdoor space neat and tidy. Unkempt landscapes are breeding grounds for pests and an easy place for them to hide before taking siege on your home. Regular inspections for landscape pests in combination with basic outdoor tidiness may be all you need!

Hopefully, you are conducting your own regular inspections for landscape pests by keeping a watchful eye on who is residing around your home. That said, professionals truly do know best and nothing can replace a periodic professional pest inspection. Give the team at Seaside Pest Control a call, and we will be happy to send someone by to check out your home, garden, and any pest concerns you may have!

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