
Professional Mice Control

Mice enter homes through cracks and holes found in walls, floors and foundations. Homeowners commonly do not recognize mouse holes until other signs of infestation appear. Due to their body shape, mice are capable of fitting through holes much smaller than their own body size. In order to prevent mice from entering the home, all cracks, openings and holes should be sealed with metal or cement. All doors and windows must close properly. Store foods in glass or metal containers with tight lids, and be certain to dispose of all food waste as soon as possible.

Seeing a mouse is an obvious sign of an infestation, especially given the fact that mice are very secretive and nocturnal. Thus, the appearance of a mouse can indicate a large population, since other adult mice already occupy the more protective, hidden places for mice to nest. Most often these animals are spotted scurrying along walls or running to and from areas normally not disturbed.

Mouse infestations are troublesome and dangerous to humans. Mice feed on human food sources and destroy cartons, paper, boxes and plastic in order to construct their nests. The urine, saliva and feces of some mice may contain viruses and bacteria, such as salmonella and hantavirus. It is therefore necessary to exterminate any mouse infestation. It is advisable to take action at the first sign of a mouse infestation. Contact our Seaside Pest Control experts for further help and additional solutions.